Debate Judging and Debating $14.99

for USD $14.99, Debate Judging and Debating Handbook will show you how to teach debate, debate, and judge it. It's all you need to know to become a better debater, judge, and teacher. By Mr. Gary, 2010 World Schools Adjudicator for Thailand at Scotland and 2017 Bali, a certified science teacher, he's been assisting the National Team for Thailand--2008-2011, 2013-present.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sample debate Adjudication test

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Australia vs Singapore WSDC Prep 2001 TH fears a nuclear india

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

MUIC-Chula Adjudication Workshop

MUIC and Chula are co-hosting the very first THAILAND ADJUDICATION WORKSHOP.
It's during 30th June - 1st July, 2012.
It is an Adjudication workshop, but really, debaters should also come as well. Training in adj-ing broadens your view in a round, and would in turn help your own speech!

Facebook Page:
Contact Email:
Invitation Letter:

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Judging and Case Creating essentials

The Prime Minister's job is to define the terms, outline the scope of the discussion, present a dire need or harm that isn't being addressed by the status quo, present a model or principle to address this, and advantages. Too often, when I watch debates two things are missing; a dire need and a feasible model. What does this entail? In the simplest terms, you have to have a reason for change. People hate change as change can equal failure, costs, or unforeseen disadvantages. For example, the BRT along Narathiwat is a good example. I live along the side sois of Narathiwat my whole time in Bangkok, before and after the BRT. Previously, Narathiwat was a bad road full of traffic only during the prime times of the day 4-7 p.m. and 7-8:30 a.m. The construction of the BRT took away a lane from the four lanes of Narathiwat. Now traffic is terrible all the time--from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. What was the harm being addressed with the BRT? There were previously buses along Narathiwat, and moreover, there still are buses along Narathiwat. Was there too much traffic? Now there's more. In looking at this, if the motion was THW build a mass transportation system along Narathiwhat. The harm would/should have been traffic. But is that a dire need? and the end result fails to solve the harm, moreover, it creates more harm. This is what we mean. When you propose a mechanism, be sure there is a valid reason. Secondly, the value of the model must solve the harm and outweigh the disadvantages.
The secondary element of models is it's okay for a model to be vague. You don't have to tell the judge the exact specifications of the plan, but you do/should have enforcement, funding, supervision, implementation, and be feasible. There is strength in being vague to a certain degree. For example, funding can be simply a combination of private industry and government support. Most judges will accept that. The issue only becomes one when there just seems to be enormous cost factors. For example, you want to give everyone in the country, land to use to their own desires. Instantly, you see the implications and costs. You divide the land up but some of the land is already being used by the govt, so thus you now have to pay rent? You have land owned by people, does the govt buy it and give it away? these questions are part of the debate.
Simply, when you're the PM--make a dire need, be very clear about the reason why it's important to change, and address the disadvantages. Finally, if you present a model, keep it simple.

SMU- SWCO Debate Robin Teo

Friday, June 15, 2012

Australia vs Singapore WSDC 2009 QF

TH would lower the voting age. The debate was won by Team Singapore, which featured Anish Hazra, Lee Jia Wei and Teoh Ren Jie.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

WSDC 2011 England vs Scotland TH supprorts free immigration

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Questions to ask debaters as a coach

1.         The Pm outlines a case where they will bomb Iran when they fail an inspection of their nuclear facilities.  What are problems with this?

2.       The POI Is given that don’t you think bombing Iran without a UNSC, United Nations Security Council approval an act of war?  What is your response?

3.       TH regrets the media in their portrayal of women.   What are positive statements about this?

4.       On the motion, THW prioritize education over infrastructure, what are the key issues?

5.       The government team makes a model to legalize prostitution.
a.       Step 1.  There will be a zone of the city for legal prostitution.
                                                               i.      All prostitutes will be licensed—there will be health checks given monthly.
                                                             ii.      Anyone failing a health check will receive appropriate treatment.
b.      Step 2.  The national police force will regulate the area.
c.       Step 3.  Overseeing the police force will be the judicial system.
d.      Step 4.  Clients will be checked for their health.
e.      Step 5.  All tax money will go to education.

What are problems with this?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

WSDC 2011 Argentina vs Singapore

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