Debate Judging and Debating $14.99

for USD $14.99, Debate Judging and Debating Handbook will show you how to teach debate, debate, and judge it. It's all you need to know to become a better debater, judge, and teacher. By Mr. Gary, 2010 World Schools Adjudicator for Thailand at Scotland and 2017 Bali, a certified science teacher, he's been assisting the National Team for Thailand--2008-2011, 2013-present.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Demo Debate ASDC Phillipines Manila

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Semifinals THW give Condoms gov reply

Semifinals THW give Condoms Opp reply

Semifinals THW give Condoms Opp Whip

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hard Case gov reply

Hard Case Opp Reply

Hard Case Opp Reply

Hard Case Opp Whip

Hard Case Gov Whip

Hard Case DLO

Hard Case DPM

Hard Case LO

Pm Hard Case

Saturday, May 12, 2012

How to debate a Regrets Motion

When debating a regrets motion, such as Th regrets the portrayal of women in media.
The first thing you must do is:
1. Answer the question directly.
The challenge is what does Regret means and what does Portrayal mean? When we think of regret, we think of it means it’s a bad thing for example in a Regretting motion—what is opposite of regret—celebrate/enjoy/embrace people who thinks it’s good and thus you have what the government will be doing, you’ll be saying that the media portrayal of women is a bad thing—that you regret it. Portrayal means the image that is being shown.
Do you have to have a policy—not necessarily—but you could.
Burden—judge needs markers to go by, these are the things that must be connected to the motion and it sets the ground for the judge, this is the debate these are the boundaries.
Step by step
a. Problem/content—logical.
a. Gender stereotype in television
b. Define the problem
b. Policy or solution—ideally, we would like acceptance of all kinds of people.
c. Burden—why portrayal has been harmful—regret it. While opp shows how it’s been beneficial.
a. Regret vindicative women, rich beautiful women, etc.
d. Substantive—two general markers
a. Principle to go by—more important
i. Everytime gender portrayal occurs, it’s influences each generation and hampers change
ii. Bad because people are stuck with traditional gender stereotypes and can’t escape.
iii. Two important questions
1. Why
2. So what?
iv. Example—why are stereotypes bad? hurt women why? because gender stereotypes can’t change
so what?—women are weak.
How does this make a difference reflects the way women are treated.
b. Practical. Gender stereotypes create positive role models for people.
As opposition
c. Stereotype, murder is very negative. So is stereotype.
d. Policy opposition—show we enjoy gender stereotypes that we can talk about being fat, we embrace it and celebrate our differences.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

THW make Organ donation Compulsory DLO

THW make Organ donation Compulosry Gov whip

Opp Whip Organ Donation Compulsory

THW make Organ donation Compulosry DPM

THW make Organ donation Compulosry LO

THW make organ donation compulsory PM

Monday, May 7, 2012

opp whip thw protests at funerals of fallen soldiers

Thursday, May 3, 2012

DLO marriage

PM structure for Worlds Schools

Pm Speech Structure: Intro--when, where background/context--world schools requires no scope, worldwide. definitions--clear problem/principle--clear dire need proposal: 1. what, be specific, have a reason why you are using this 2. what are you doing, detail--why and how you are doing it? argumentation/contentions--why? how? 1. premise--condition 5-7 words be precise with wording. premise--change--direct change, benefit, effect harm--perceived/percpetion, metaphysical/way of life/standard, and then, physical direct

National Debate Team Training Thursdays 4-7 at PHS

The team trainings for National Debate Team pool will be held at PHS every Thursday. Panyarat High School is hosting the National Debate Team Training pool try outs every Thursday from 4-7. Next week, May 9 is the debate camp in Nakon Nayoke and the week after is the PHS Summer camp in Khao Yai.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

MUIC Mixer Semis opp whip reply gov reply

dpm thb marriage MUIC Mixer

lo thb marriage license MUIC Mixer semis

pm thb marriage license MUIC mixer

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